- Asus RAMDisk Utility for Windows 10//8/7 v Download

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Asus ramdisk windows 10


Products Phones Laptops Desktops. Aura Intelligent Cooling. Wallpapers Aura Sync Armoury crate. Sign In Sign Up. Results 1 to 9 of 9.

Anyone know where I could find a recent download. I am sure that makes no difference. However, if there is a version specific one I would love to have it. Thanks ahead of time!!!!! There should be a copy on the disc packaged with the взято отсюда. The latest asus ramdisk windows 10 can always be downloaded from the official CVFZ download site. If not available, you can download it from any other Asus ROG motherboard page - this software isn't mobo-specific, it will run on any mobo which uses asus ramdisk windows 10 secret Asus ROG chip and, unlike other RAM Disk offerings, it never expires and is limited only by the amount of RAM actually перейти на источник. I gave ROG Ramdisk a try and promptly ditched it.

I found no way to avoid that. This pretty much obviates my purpose in using a Ramdisk, in that I'm looking to keep unnecessary reads and writes off of my SSD, and also provides self-deleting cache and temp folders which appeals to me for privacy reasons.

I wound up using Softperfect Ramdisk, which is perfectly suited to the situation I'm describing. At worst, it won't install and you'll waste five minutes discovering that ROG RAMDisk isn't compatible with your particular motherboard. And it has its own controller chip an overclocked Intel CH29AE41AB0 which runs some rather advanced wear-levelling and block-control algorithms in firmcode to maximize longevity.

Intel PCIe asus ramdisk windows 10 are a preferred device in enterprise mass storage servers, they're designed to perform as "Tier asus ramdisk windows 10 storage" - and you can be assured that a single consumer desktop running a single bloated copy of Windows is not going to be anywhere near asus ramdisk windows 10 demanding on your drive as a randomly accessed Wikipedia storage rack which serves thousands of internet users per minute.

Windows will in theory only fill up memory as it needs memory, and it will in theory only use virtual memory узнать больше a drive when physical memory becomes filled up. So the entire notion of using a RAM disk to extend memory is fundamentally unworkable and counterproductive.

Yes, Windows is far from perfect and will stubbornly insist on paging tons of useless junk all the time, but as of Win7 onwards it's not as bad as you might expect. You might want to look into physical RAM drives like an ACARD - but they tend to use older technologies most are DDR2-basedthey can be very costly for consumers to obtain, and they only improve actual cache performance or paranoid security in very specific caching niches.

Letting Windows "Turbo" a decent disposable USB3 flash drive would be a lot cheaper and just as fast. Last edited by Korth; at AM. It's useless as a page-file location, and most of your paragraph seems to address page-files, not cache files.

But it's great for cache files. Some people will tell you that putting cache files on a Ramdisk can cause instability because programs out there are still hardcoded as to where they expect the cache files to be. I've asus ramdisk windows 10 my Нажмите чтобы увидеть больше going as the cache location for 6 months with only 2 issues: 1 Windows Troubleshooter programs don't work with the cache files on the Ramdisk, and 2 Microsoft Edge doesn't allow you to move your cache file directory in the first place.

Just /22173.txt needed to yet. Last edited by Qwinn; at AM. Simply because so much of the small data moving on and off the drive can asus ramdisk windows 10 fit in this cache and is never even needed to be written.

No RAM disk software can be. My only real complaint about it is that it's implemented at the firmware level but is still dependent on the OS, Asus could have made a far superior RAM disk product if they went with pure asus ramdisk windows 10 layer and some kind of hypervisor BIOS program. I've used PCIe 2. I don't use a ramdisk for performance, though, just to keep writes off как сообщается здесь SSDs for longevity.

That said, I've recently changed my position a bit. I used to move both my browser caches and the windows temporary folders via modifying the TMP and TEMP environment variables to my asus ramdisk windows 10. I've decided to move the system files back to their normal locations. I've had it that way for months without any real источник besides the Troubleshooting issue I mentioned, but I thought of a circumstance in which it could cause real trouble: booting into safe mode.

In Safe Mode the ramdisk and therefore the temp folders wouldn't exist at all, and any programs you ran in safe mode looking for the temp directories as I imagine a lot of адрес страницы programs might, which is the primary reason I've seen to use safe mode wouldn't find one.

At best, it would pick another random location and leave bits of files lying around without any real means to find or clean them off, and worst case it could make whatever you're doing not work and possibly get corrupted. So, to play it safe, I'm moving them back. In the months that I used it I asus ramdisk windows 10 really noticed those files getting very large anyway. Asus ramdisk windows 10 browser caches are another story.

There's still really no compelling reason I can think of to not put them on a ramdisk. Those temp directories can get pretty large pretty quickly usually on the order of megs per sessions, and that's even without deliberately playing videos or musicand it really does not matter if they persist between restarts, or if safe mode has them available.

Browser caches are junk, there's no real reason to preserve them unless you have terribly slow internet 56K modem? Windows is full of momentary junk which can happily be deleted.

You may not even need to enable browser caching at all since webpages load asus ramdisk windows 10 memory anyhow. Tags for this Thread rog ramdisk.



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    I've found these pages advertising RAMDisk, but there's no download and there you can find ASUS RAMDisk V for Windows 10 bit. Download ASUS ROG Maximus XI Gene RAMDisk Utility for Windows 10 bit (Motherboard).


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